Monday, June 6, 2011
Dear Family, Losing a loved one can be devastating. However, please take comfort in knowing that death isn’t the end. Jesus demonstrated that by what he did when he learned of his friend Lazarus' death when he was on earth. The account recorded in John 11 shows that to those who were with him when he got the bad news, Jesus said: "Lazarus has falling asleep and I am going to awaken him". And just as he stated, the account also reveals that he asked Lazarus' relatives to take him to the grave where Lazarus was already buried for four days. When he got there, he called Lazarus, who came out alive and well like he was never dead. Amazing isn't it? What Jesus did them was a preview of what he'll do when he rules or governs the entire earth by means of his father's heavenly Kingdom/Government. (Daniel 7: 13 and 14); (Daniel 2:44) When that times comes, the following Scriptures confirm that Jesus will eliminate all the problems we face today such as SICKNESS, OLD AGE, WAR, VIOLENCE, PAIN, DEATH. EVEN OUR DEAD LOVED ONES WILL BE RESURRECTED. (Isaiah 33:24); (Job 33:25); (Psalms 46: 9 and 10); (Isaiah 2: 4); (Psalms 37: 9-11 and 29); (Revelation 21: 3 and 4); (John 5: 28 and 29). To learn how to be among those who will reunite with their resurrected loved ones, when God’s Kingdom rules the earth, please contact the local congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses for a Bible study.