Wednesday, August 12, 2020
To The Lowery Family,
On behalf of the Environmental Compliance Unit of the LADOTD, I'd like to extend our deepest sympathy to you for the loss of your family member and friend, the Rev. Glen E. Lowery. Although I did not personally know Rev. Lowery, I feel that I got to know of him through his son Roy. Over the past 14 years as Roy's friend and supervisor, I got to know Roy and often had the opportunity to hear about his dad and family life. Many times I felt like I was out their on one of those hillsides in Arkansas with Roy and his dad hunting for that 10 point buck. Whether it was a conversation about hunting, working, or doing for the less fortunate, it was always clear that Rev. Glen Lowery was a man deeply rooted in his speritual beliefs and family values. I can only imagine how wonderful it must have been being a part of the Lowery family. While we have loss a love one for a while, Rev Lowery lives on in you, Roy, and the rest of your family and friends who knew your dad a lot longer than me. May his teachings and love continue to live on in each of you as we mourn his passing.
Joubert Harris,I